There are many companies and individuals who will develop a Home Page for you. You can even do it yourself. Many on-line services such as AOL, Prodigy, and CompuServe provide free space for you, as do some of the ISP's. However, there is a world of difference between a mere Home Page and a well-thought-out Web Site. A Home Page gives you a faulty illusion of having a state-of-the-art company. A Web Site gives you benefits. Depending on your particular business, these benefits may take the form of reduced cost, improved customer service, better customer relations, increased revenues, additional marketing avenues, or a combination of all of these.
Gordon Internet Services provides quality Web Sites at reasonable cost.
At Gordon Internet Services, we understand that technology is not an end in itself. We understand how to use technology to improve your business. We also understand the trade-offs between the richest user experience and the limitations of current technology.
The first paragraph of our design philosophy provides an overview of what makes an expert Web Site designer.
Our skill-set explains why we are those experts.
In Ensuring Quality, we explain what we do to ensure a quality web site after many other developers have already finished.
Our background explains why we are equipped to create a well-rounded solution for you,
In short, we don't just provide you with a presence on the Web; we use our skills and creativity to enhance your business . . . at a reasonable price. It's what we do. It's what we pride ourselves on. It's what we commit to. Period. . . No exceptions. . . No qualifications.