Gordon Internet Services
expended a lot of time, energy, and money to research, develop, organize, and provide a lot of varied information on this Web Site.
Some of this information concerns our design capabilities, skills, and beliefs. Other information is a collation of other information freely available on the Internet.
People who are potential customers of ours should feel free to make use of this information in evaluating Web Sites and Web Design Firms.
People who are our competitors can feel free to learn from what we provide. And we'll feel honored. Regardless of whether you learn from our information or our techniques.
If you find the information or techniques useful, it is considered good manners to email us a note mentioning what you liked and found useful.
Anyone who wishes to copy some or all of our content, however, should keep a few things in mind:
- All information on this Web Site is copyrighted, and as such is governed by US and international copyright laws.
- Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we will make use of that information in developing our customer base.
- It is entirely possible that we will let you link to our site, and/or copy portions of our site. You just need to ask us. The Internet is all about sharing, and we are very amenable to sharing, as long as we know about it. However, we are not amenable to being ripped off.
- Competitors who copy our information (without our permission) instead of developing their own are unethical. If one of your potential customers discovers this, what will they think of you?